It seems rather undignified to be listing down reasons to travel, but I'm doing it anyway.

And because I love being excessive, I decided to list down as many as I possible could

  1. People who travel will have stories. Dozens and dozens of them. Gritty, real-life stories that will live on long after the moment has passed.
  2. Travel opens your mind. It really is time to break out of your bubble-wrapped world.
  3. You'll never know what you're missing out on unless you do it. Travel's like that.
  4. Collect experience, not objects. Travel lets you do exactly that.
  5. Travel makes you grateful for what you have. And reminds you not to take too many of life's luxuries for granted. (Read: Traveler's Gratitude)
  6. Postcards. Send someone a warm, handwritten postcard from the edge of the world. You will make their day!
  7. At the risk of sounding cliched - "Sometimes, you must get lost to find yourself."
  8. Ah, the joy of night landings in a beautiful city!
  9. You will meet new people. Wonderful people. People you would have never ordinarily encountered.
  10. Travel reminds you that the best plans are, indeed, unplanned.
  11. Traveling alone is one of the single most liberating feelings in the whole world. You've got to do it to know it.
  12. You will have intense life experiences. Moments that you will remember forever.
  13. You can travel with as much or as little money as you have. That travel is expensive is a huge myth.
  14. If you love someone, travel with him/her. It'll help you know each other inside out. No nasty surprises later!
  15. You know that awful baggage we all carry around called stereotypes? Travel will help you destroy them!

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